The pics below are comparison shots. The first pic is from February 2007, before I received my Invisalign trays, but after OrthoClear had dumped my case about a year into my treatment. The second pic was taken on Aug. 29, 2007.

My whole treatment with Invisalign was six upper aligners. I finished with the sixth aligner about two months ago, but I'm not completely happy with the results. Yeah, they look pretty straight, and they are certainly straighter than when I began treatment. But I don't like how one of the upper canine teeth is lined up. If you're looking at the pics here, it's the canine tooth on the right. It pokes out a bit still from the other teeth. The canine on the left doesn't do that. And a bicuspid on the left in the pic didn't get pulled down as it should have. So I'm currently waiting for my refinement trays. I'm hoping to get them within another month or so.
The first pic with my mouth open is from Dec. 2006, the second pic of my mouth open was taken on Aug. 29, 2007.

The bottom teeth are still coming along. It's been almost one year since I got this contraption cemented to my poor teeth, and I'm sick of it! Note the lovely power chain- my FIFTH since I began treatment. If you're looking at the pic, the tooth that is being difficult is the pointy one on the right. It's taking its own time tilting and moving to where it needs to be. It's getting close, though! My ortho has needed to bend the arch wire in special directions to help it along. I've now developed a gap in my teeth just to the left of the middle teeth. It's the darker line between teeth on the left.
I'm so close to the end of this, I can hardly stand it! The pic on the top was taken in Feb. 2007, the pic below it was taken Aug. 29, 2007.

I'm 17 weeks pregnant at this point, and I'm here to tell you that pregnancy and orthodontics do not mix! I've gone from needing to eat 3 times a day to needing to eat every 2-3 hours. It's a true pain in the booty to have to keep flossing and brushing all day long! And try to deal with the pain of braces adjustment when you're already feeling moody/grumpy/achy- not fun! Ladies, if you can delay your orthodontic treatment until after you have a baby, I strongly suggest it!