Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Power chain!

I'm in a lot of pain since getting a power chain attached to my lower brackets yesterday. So I'm not going to write much. I managed to get two pics, though, so you can see what a power chain looks like when installed on the braces. It's not easy to see, but boy can I feel it working! Ouch!

I've provided comparison shots: the image on the top is from December 2006. The image below it was taken on Feb. 21, 2007, and has the power chain attached. The power chain makes the guide wire more 'invisible' in my opinion!

Again the top image is from December 2006. The image below it was taken on Feb. 21, 2007, and has the power chain attached.

Oh, and I'm still waiting for my Invisalign to come in!

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Still waiting!

It's been awhile since my last post, I know. There just hasn't been anything going on tooth-wise lately!

I had an adjustment to my lower braces about 4 weeks ago, and it was quite uneventful. It didn't even come with discomfort.

My Invisalign treatment for my upper arch is still in limbo. I called my ortho today to check for a status update, and there's not much to report. I was told that my ClinChek was 'in process.' At least I'm finally in their system! The office is guessing that my aligners will arrive sometime around March, but I'm not holding my breath.

I go in for another round of adjustments in less than two weeks, so I will post an update if I get one! :)