Someone call a Waaambulance! Well, that's it. Align Technologies bought out OrthoClear. No more OrthoClear! Since I'm 13 months into OrthoClear treatment, and still quite away from completion, it'll be interesting to find out how the rest of my treatment will go.
I called my ortho today to get more info. It turns out that they didn't even know about it! They sounded somewhat alarmed, and assured me that they were going to call OrthoClear's regional representative to find out more.
According to Align Technologies (the company that owns Invisalign) "OrthoClear patients will start treatment with Invisalign as if they were a new case. Doctors will have to take new records and submit a new case form, and Align will need verify that the patient is eligible for free treatment. However, Align will allow doctors to start OrthoClear patients in Invisalign at no charge - provided they agree not to charge their patients an additional fee."
So no additional fee. I expected that at the very least. But starting over?! This means that I have to get new impressions made, and that I'll have to wait 6-8 weeks to get my new aligners! I've been in treatment for over a year with less than 6 months to go at this point. Now I'm going to be delayed about 2 months?! This sucks. I was hoping that I'd be finished with aligners by Christmas. Grrrrr! Get me a Waaaambulance.
Hi Christine,
So any word yet on what your ortho is going to do about changing to invisalign? Are they at least going to give you the aligners that they have in their office until they know what's going on?
I'm sure this just sucks for you. sorry :(
Has anyone posted a comment on your blog that wasn't really a comment but a sells pitch? I got one on mine.
Hey Penn,
My ortho has taken my impressions for Invisalign (don't know when treatment will begin, though), and made me clear retainers for while I am waiting for the new aligners.
While I'm continuing with clear aligners for the top, I've taken the plunge and had clear braces applied to my lower teeth. Clear aligners won't be able to get my teeth as straight as I want them to be on my lower teeth (rotated bicuspids). Right now, I can't eat much, but I know that eventually my teeth will be straight! :)
So when are you going to update your blog?
What does a clear retainer look like anyway? I updated my blog. my husband says that I'm a ham when I showed it to him. He knows me well :). I was laughing the entire time I was posting. I crack myself up.
So how is the clear bracket thing going? It would seem that it would be pretty miserable with both but its only temparary and you will have beautiful straight teeth when your done . :)
The delay is a minimum of FIVE MONTHS not weeks. Align Technology informed orthodontists that it will not ship new aligners for former OrthoClear patients until at least March of 2007. The actual date will depend upon how many OrthoClear patients are registered to make the switch to Invisalign. There is a lot more I would like to say but do not yet think I should post it all in public forums as many people are pursuing class action lawsuits, etc (see, for example,
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